Messages from December 2023
Original Blessing Sunday
As Unitarian Universalists, we believe not in Original Sin, but in Original Blessing – that all of us are born inherently whole and holy. Today’s service offers blessings to our congregants, to remind them of this.
Christmas Eve Service
Rev. Lee talks to us this Christmas Eve about the movie Klaus, and its message that one truly selfless act always begets another.
The God You Need
In today’s message, lay preacher, Rodney Whittenberg, asks us to consider the god we need in our lives – and that perhaps the different ideas of god over the centuries have all been in response to what the people of the time needed in their lives.
Impossible Miracles
Inspired by a conversation with an Atheist friend, Ministerial Intern, Nick Sanchez, shares a math lesson with us which begins with a deck of cards. By the end of this message, Nick will have you convinced that you are a miracle.
The Most & The Biggest
Rev. Lee shares a message about how humans define their various ideas of “the most and the biggest” thing – that being god. She shares some interesting definitions of different theologies, and also tells a very funny story about what a college friend thought Unitarian Universalism was.