The Muppet Theory of Everything
God is Change
In today’s service, our Ministerial Intern, Beth Monhollen, tells us about some lessons she learned from her father (a chaos muppet). She also talks about the importance of making plans (like an order muppet), so that, ironically, we can be prepared for when those plans fall apart. She ends by leading the congregation through an activity where we consider how our congregation is interconnected.
At the Carwash
In this (intentionally) mixed up Sunday service, Rev. Lee shares a story about a time she (an order muppet) led a carwash activity for a congregation’s teens (all chaos muppets) and what they learned from one another in the process.
The Rainbow Connection
Lay Preacher, Chris Chepel, continues our Muppet Theory of Everything series by talking about the difference between Order Muppets and Chaos Muppets, and how each needs the other. She then leads us in an activity where we get to make our own puppets.
Creating Ourselves
To open our Muppet Theory of Everything message series, Ministerial Intern, Beth Monhollen shares some creation stories, and gets a little (or a lot of) help from our younger friends!