Messages on Generosity

Messages on Generosity

A Muppet Christmas Carol

Ministerial Intern, Nick Sanchez, celebrates Christmas with his message of the themes “A Muppet Christmas Carol” noting how the joy of the Muppets is what makes the message so profound.

Wild & Precious Life 2024

Our annual Wild & Precious Life service, wherein we ask people in different decades of their lives to answer the question posed in Mary Oliver’s poem, The Summer Day, “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Do Less

During today’s message, Rev. Lee begins our Fall message series “Breathing Together.” She shares how while we are a part of and connected to everything, we should still face our fear of stopping as it’s worthwhile.

The Wizard of Oz

Today’s message from Ministerial Intern, Nick Sanchez, looks at “The Wizard of Oz” and its message of self discovery.

Sofia Valdez, Future Prez

In today’s message on a banned book, Ministerial Intern, Nick Sanchez, how despite a book’s worth, to some people the message is not as important as symbols shown.


For today’s SpiritFlix message, lay preacher Chris Groppe discusses the HBO series, Succession.

Caring for Each Other

Today, Beth Monhollen shares a message about what it means to be in a situation where you can love others, while also realizing that you can no longer maintain a relationship with them.

The Idol of Wealth

Rev. Lee introduced our new American Idols series with a story about the “Idol” of wealth. She shares a story about a real estate investor who chooses to overlook the opportunity for making vast profits, and instead focuses on building up a community of committed neighbors.

The Practice of Generosity

Rev. Lee struggles a bit with what to say about the events at the Capitol this week. She planned to introduce the practice of generosity, but thought the message might not make sense this week. But when she thought more about it, she realized that generosity is a practice of  pushing back against toxic individualism “I’ve got mine, and you’ve got yours… good luck.” She shares with us how she began practicing generosity herself this year, now that her everyday…