Messages on Activism & Justice

Messages on Activism & Justice

Wild & Precious Life 2024

Our annual Wild & Precious Life service, wherein we ask people in different decades of their lives to answer the question posed in Mary Oliver’s poem, The Summer Day, “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Through the Storm

Today’s message introduces our Holiday message series, “Lift My Eyes”, where Ministerial Intern, Nick Sanchez, shares his thoughts on hope.

Do Less

During today’s message, Rev. Lee begins our Fall message series “Breathing Together.” She shares how while we are a part of and connected to everything, we should still face our fear of stopping as it’s worthwhile.

American Fiction

Lay Preacher, Rodney Whittenberg, discusses his take on the film “American Fiction”. He discusses that one of the hardest parts of our spiritual practice is being present and being all of yourself.

When Aidan Became A Brother

Rev. Lee concludes our Books Set Free message series with a message on the book “When Aidan Became A Brother”. She reminds us that gender is a core part of who we are, just as a core part of who we are is learning and continuing to grow.

The Proudest Blue

In today’s message on banned books, Rev. Lee reminds us that every human matters and every human’s story matters. With a message based on “The Proudest Blue”, we are reminded that the things that makes us different are also what makes us who we are.