'Staff Team' Tagged Posts

'Staff Team' Tagged Posts

Rev. Lee on Sabbatical Until April 1st

Dear members, friends, & visitors to WellSprings, The day is here: my four-month sabbatical begins this Sunday, December 1st. As I said in my most recent message, I love you all, and I will miss you during this time away. A sabbatical is a wonderful privilege of serving in ministry, and I do not take this gift lightly. After all the challenges of the past few years, it means so much to me that you are offering me four entire…

Farewell Jessica, Congregational Meeting Recap, & A Report from Stewardship…

This past Sunday we celebrated Jessica Heichel’s last day on Staff as our Membership & Communications Coordinator – and, our Board of Trustees led our annual Congregational Meeting, after the service! You can watch all of Sunday’s events at the link above – including a special New Member Welcome for Jessica and her husband Dan! The Heichels decided to become members of our congregation, following Jessica’s time on Staff. We also gave Jessica a parting gift to thank her for…

Now Hiring: Office Coordinator

WellSprings is now hiring for a part-time role on our Staff Team: our Office Coordinator! The person who fills this role will manage and implement the day-to-day administrative functions that are necessary for WellSprings to thrive. Read below for more information, including how to apply. About WellSprings: WellSprings Congregation is a progressive spiritual community of ~200 adults, teens, and children in Chester County, PA. A member of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, our mission is to be a community “charged…

Charging Up at WellCome Back Sunday!

On Sunday, September 10th, we celebrated our annual “WellCome Back Sunday” tradition at WellSprings, with a new twist! This service marks both the end of summer, and a return to the regular rhythms and schedules of our congregational year. If you missed it, you can watch the whole thing on our YouTube Channel. Our band rehearsed a new song before the service began, as volunteers set up a bit of an unusual chair configuration, because we had exciting plans for…

Celebrating 10 Years of Rev. Lee!

A Note From Tonie Scullion, on the WellSprings Board of Trustees Ten years ago today (August 1, 2013), WellSprings was introduced to our newest ministerial intern, Lee Allison Paczulla. Generally, when an intern comes to a congregation, they stay for two years and then leave to go to what will become their home congregation. However, Lee was such a perfect fit for WellSprings that the UUA permitted her to stay. How fortunate for us! With her sermons that always leave…

Meet Nick Sanchez, Our Next Beldon Intern

Our Intern, Beth Monhollen, has been an immeasurable gift to our community since her arrival in September 2021. Now approved for ministerial fellowship, Beth will be ordained by WellSprings on June 18th, and will then leave us, to begin her ministry within our wider Unitarian Universalist movement. And so, later this year, we’ll welcome another new face to the WellSprings’ Staff Team… Nick Sanchez, an Aspirant to the Unitarian Universalist ministry and a student at Iliff School of Theology, will…

Save the Date… for Beth’s Ordination!

As you all know, Beth Monhollen has served our congregation so well, as WellSprings’ first official “Kenneth S. Beldon Ministerial Intern,” joining us in the summer of 2021. Beth is here with us to complete the final step in the ministerial formation process – and now that she has been evaluated by our national denomination and approved for fellowship, she is free to be formally ordained into the Unitarian Universalist ministry. I am so pleased to share that Beth has asked WellSprings to…

Now Hiring: Office Coordinator

WellSprings is now hiring for a part-time role on our Staff Team: our Office Coordinator! This person will coordinate the administrative functions of our congregation – on Sunday mornings, and on a flexible schedule throughout the week. Read below for more information, including how to apply. About WellSprings: WellSprings Congregation is a progressive spiritual community of ~250 adults, teens, and children in Chester County, PA. A member of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, our mission is to be a community “charged…

Announcing Our New Production & Arts Coordinator…

We are so excited to announce the hiring of our new Production & Arts Coordinator at WellSprings: Joanna Lovell! This new position on our Staff has been a long time in the making – a part-time role working closely with our Band and Tech Team, helping us build more opportunities for all WellSpringers to engage with music and the arts. Joanna brings a remarkably fitting combination of skills and experience to this position, as she’s worked in the AV integration…

Now Hiring: Production & Arts Coordinator

WellSprings is hiring for a new, part-time role on our Staff Team: a Production & Arts Coordinator! This person will work closely with our Band, Tech Team, and Staff on Sunday mornings, and help us build more opportunities for all WellSpringers to engage with music and the arts. Read below for more information, including how to apply. About WellSprings: WellSprings Congregation is a progressive spiritual community of ~250 adults, teens, and children in Chester County, PA. A member of the…

Saying Goodbye, to Harry & Ken…

On Sunday, June 26th, our congregation gathered together to bid two very fond farewells: one to our band member Harry Vrooman, who’s been with us on piano since the very first WellSprings service – and one, to our Founding Minister, Rev. Ken Beldon. Our band took one last photo all together with Harry, after a Sunday service featuring two surprise musical tributes: a performance of “A Beautiful Noise” by singers Andrea Tollison and Melissa Davignon, and a moving rendition of…

Celebrating Rev. Ken’s Ministry

After 17 years as Founding Minister at WellSprings Congregation, Rev. Ken Beldon is retiring at the end of June. Join us for a celebration to honor Rev. Ken, after our service this Sunday. We’ll have food, live music, stories and memories, and a few surprises to honor all that his ministry has meant to our community, and to each of our lives. At this past Sunday’s service, Rev. Ken was granted the title of Minister Emeritus by unanimous vote! Here’s the moment the decision…
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