This past Sunday we celebrated Jessica Heichel’s last day on Staff as our Membership & Communications Coordinator – and, our Board of Trustees led our annual Congregational Meeting, after the service!
You can watch all of Sunday’s events at the link above – including a special New Member Welcome for Jessica and her husband Dan! The Heichels decided to become members of our congregation, following Jessica’s time on Staff.
We also gave Jessica a parting gift to thank her for five exceptional years serving our community, and surprised her with her favorite treats (in lieu of cake): two giant party trays from Philly Pretzel Factory.
Our Congregational Meeting followed the Sunday service, and included reports by the Board and the Minister, an update on our financial position, and on our 2024-2025 Stewardship Campaign. Our congregation offered gratitude to two Board members who are stepping down after four years of service: Board President Chris Groppe, and Treasurer Tiffany Shoffner.
WellSprings members Eli Musewicz and Jim Sterchele are now standing for election to the Board. If you are a member of WellSprings and have not yet cast your vote in the Board election, you can click here to access the ballot. Voting remains open until Saturday, June 15 at 8pm.
Big thanks to our entire community, as we wrap up another charged-full congregational year at WellSprings!