We showed up for Chester County PrideFest in force this year, WellSprings!
This was the second year in a row that WellSprings served as a sponsor for the annual event, held along Bridge Street in Phoenixville, during the month of June. We were packed with volunteers at our booth, and dozens more from our community dropped by to say hello – whether they were there tabling for another organization, or just out at PrideFest enjoying the gorgeous weather. This year, nearly a dozen religious communities were represented alongside WellSprings, each one echoing the message of the “Glitter Blessing” we shared with our neighbors, in their own way: that all of us are beautiful, all of us are loved, and all of us are holy.
Check our our album below, with just a few of the photos from Saturday afternoon at Pride. As always, our gratitude goes out to the LGBT Equality Alliance of Chester County for hosting this event, and for all the work they do throughout the year, to support our local LGBTQIA+ community.
We are so glad you came out to celebrate Pride with our community this weekend, and to show up in a big way, for Love!