Posts from June 2024

Posts from June 2024

Save the Date for WellSprings’ First-Ever Installation

UPDATE: Registration is now open! Click here to RSVP. Save the date for September 29th, 2024, when WellSprings will hold a milestone event in the life of our congregation: our first-ever ministerial Installation! Earlier this year, our congregation held a vote to officially “call” and affirm the Rev. Lee Paczulla as our settled minister – the first time we’ve gathered in this way to choose our own minister, in the 17-year history of our community. WellSprings has been host to…

WellSprings at Pride!

We showed up for Chester County PrideFest in force this year, WellSprings!  This was the second year in a row that WellSprings served as a sponsor for the annual event, held along Bridge Street in Phoenixville, during the month of June. We were packed with volunteers at our booth, and dozens more from our community dropped by to say hello – whether they were there tabling for another organization, or just out at PrideFest enjoying the gorgeous weather. This year,…

Farewell Jessica, Congregational Meeting Recap, & A Report from Stewardship…

This past Sunday we celebrated Jessica Heichel’s last day on Staff as our Membership & Communications Coordinator – and, our Board of Trustees led our annual Congregational Meeting, after the service! You can watch all of Sunday’s events at the link above – including a special New Member Welcome for Jessica and her husband Dan! The Heichels decided to become members of our congregation, following Jessica’s time on Staff. We also gave Jessica a parting gift to thank her for…

A Final Report, From Stewardship

Greetings WellSprings! The Stewardship Ministry is wrapping up our annual pledge campaign, and we would like to thank everyone who generously made a pledge commitment to WellSprings for the fiscal year July 2024 to June 2025.  Our pledge campaign, Building Our Beloved Community, supported the following stewardship goals: 1.  to increase member pledge participation from 70% to 90% 2.  to increase the overall pledged amount by 16% to meet the planned budget of $250,000. To measure member pledge participation, we used a base…