Ministries & Teams
Our Guest Preaching Schedule
Our settled Minister, Rev. Lee Paczulla, is currently taking a four-month sabbatical – returning to our congregation on Tuesday, April 1st. While she’s away, we’ll hear from a variety of voices on Sunday mornings, including our Ministerial Intern, Nick Sanchez, and a whole host of WellSprings members from our volunteer Worship Leaders Team. We’re also fortunate to be welcoming some of Rev. Lee’s colleagues to our pulpit, as a number of guest ministers from local congregations join us in these…
This Year, At WellSprings…
We’re busy planning for the year ahead at WellSprings! Our Fall message series begins in September – but you can scroll down to get a taste of the conversations we’ll be having (on Sunday mornings, in YouthSpirit, in our small groups, etc.) all throughout the year… Breathing Together our Fall Message Series The results are in, and living through history is exhausting. We feel overwhelmed by what’s happening in the big world beyond us, and also by the busy pace of…
Announcing a New Coalition for People of Faith in Chester County
Many folks in our congregation have felt the call, over the past few years, to take a more active role in our local community – lending strength and support to each other, and to our neighbors. We see how our political climate is only growing more volatile by the day, and we long to be reminded of the strongest power there is: the power of Beloved Community. The power of showing up, to love and care for one another. WellSprings…
Check Out Our July Lineup for SpiritFlix
This summer at WellSprings, we’ll find meaning in the stories we watch on our screens during our annual SpiritFlix message series. Each Sunday’s service will draw wisdom from a different movie or show – check out our lineup for July below, and mark your calendars so you don’t miss any of your favorites! We hope to see you this summer, Sundays at 10am. Join us at 10 AM each Sunday in person at the Montgomery School, or online at our YouTube Channel.
Farewell Jessica, Congregational Meeting Recap, & A Report from Stewardship…
This past Sunday we celebrated Jessica Heichel’s last day on Staff as our Membership & Communications Coordinator – and, our Board of Trustees led our annual Congregational Meeting, after the service! You can watch all of Sunday’s events at the link above – including a special New Member Welcome for Jessica and her husband Dan! The Heichels decided to become members of our congregation, following Jessica’s time on Staff. We also gave Jessica a parting gift to thank her for…
A Final Report, From Stewardship
Greetings WellSprings! The Stewardship Ministry is wrapping up our annual pledge campaign, and we would like to thank everyone who generously made a pledge commitment to WellSprings for the fiscal year July 2024 to June 2025. Our pledge campaign, Building Our Beloved Community, supported the following stewardship goals: 1. to increase member pledge participation from 70% to 90% 2. to increase the overall pledged amount by 16% to meet the planned budget of $250,000. To measure member pledge participation, we used a base…
Check Out Our June Lineup for SpiritFlix
This summer at WellSprings, we’ll find meaning in the stories we watch on our screens during our annual SpiritFlix message series. Each Sunday’s service will draw wisdom from a different movie or show – check out our lineup for June and mark your calendars so you don’t miss any of your favorites! We hope to see you this summer, Sundays at 10am. Join us at 10 AM each Sunday in person at the Montgomery School, or online at our YouTube Channel.
Calling a Minister, FAQ
A Message and Guide from the board of trustees Since we announced at the January congregational meeting our intention to hold a congregational vote, to call Reverend Lee as our Settled Minister, we have held listening circles open to all congregants to enable further discussion and education on this important milestone for our community. Please see below for a list of questions most frequently asked, during those listening sessions. Our vote will open on Sunday, April 7th, so watch your…
Your Invitation to “Books Set Free” – Our All-Ages Message Series for May!
A Note From Rev. Lee A few years ago we started a new tradition at WellSprings: all of our Sunday services in May are “all-ages” services. That means instead of heading off to YouthSpirit, our younger friends stay with the adults for the whole morning – and together, we create a worship experience that is more participatory, engaging, and accessible to our friends at every age and stage of life. This May, we are hoping to create as many opportunities…
Building Our Beloved Community: A Letter from the Stewardship Ministry
Greetings WellSprings! The Stewardship Ministry has begun work on our annual pledge campaign for the July 2024 through June 2025 fiscal year. We are inspired by our congregation’s generosity and sincerely thank everyone who supported WellSprings with a pledge commitment for the fiscal year July 2023 to June 2024. Our pledge campaign theme this year is Building Our Beloved Community! At WellSprings, pledges are a commitment to give throughout the coming year. They allow us to plan for how WellSprings will…
Welcome Back, Caring Team!
With leadership from our former Intern, Beth Monhollen, last year – and after re-gathering over the past few months, with Rev. Lee – our Caring Team at WellSprings is officially re-forming in 2024. We are a small group, so we are starting small, with two projects to help our community connect and care for each other, in the year ahead: For now, our Team is: Carole Hovis, Eli Musewicz, & Shannon Rieder. We’ll be working closely with Rev. Lee and our Ministerial Intern, Nick,…
A Welcome to Some New Leaders
Welcome New Leaders! We are grateful to have some new leaders joining our Senior Leader Community at WellSprings in 2024! In January the Board announced that Chris Rieder has been appointed as a Board Trustee to fill the seat recently vacated. Chris is also a member of the Tech Team. Sarah Costa also recently joined our Stewardship Ministry. Sarah has volunteered in YouthSpirit, and you may recall that she led an “Off the Fence” Soul Bite, this past fall. Jenn Nettingham and Samantha Weber have also been actively participating in our YouthBridge Ministry – as…