'YouthBridge Ministry' Tagged Posts
Your Invitation to “Books Set Free” – Our All-Ages Message Series for May!
A Note From Rev. Lee A few years ago we started a new tradition at WellSprings: all of our Sunday services in May are “all-ages” services. That means instead of heading off to YouthSpirit, our younger friends stay with the adults for the whole morning – and together, we create a worship experience that is more participatory, engaging, and accessible to our friends at every age and stage of life. This May, we are hoping to create as many opportunities…
A Welcome to Some New Leaders
Welcome New Leaders! We are grateful to have some new leaders joining our Senior Leader Community at WellSprings in 2024! In January the Board announced that Chris Rieder has been appointed as a Board Trustee to fill the seat recently vacated. Chris is also a member of the Tech Team. Sarah Costa also recently joined our Stewardship Ministry. Sarah has volunteered in YouthSpirit, and you may recall that she led an “Off the Fence” Soul Bite, this past fall. Jenn Nettingham and Samantha Weber have also been actively participating in our YouthBridge Ministry – as…
New for WellCome Back Sunday: Blessing of the Backpacks
On Sunday, September 10th, WellSprings will celebrate our annual “WellCome Back” Sunday – the special service which marks the end of summer and a return to the work, school, and worship schedules we follow through most of the year. This year, we’ll be holding our first-ever “Blessing of the Backpacks” at our 10 am Sunday service. All students (of any age!) are asked to bring their backpacks to Bell Hall to be blessed during our Sunday service – and to…
Looking for a Way to Support WellSprings? Volunteer with YouthSpirit!
For some time now, we have been, and continue to be in need of volunteers for the WellSprings nursery and YouthSpirit. The pandemic caused so many changes in our lives: new schedules, new routines, new definitions for “connection.” It’s understandable that they way many families interact with WellSprings looks different today than it did a few years ago. We are also finding our way back, as a congregation. We have a core group of young, inquisitive friends who regularly attend…
Our May Message Series: The Muppet Theory of Everything
In 2012, a writer for Slate magazine made a provocative suggestion… that everyone in the world can be classified into one of two categories: Order Muppets, and Chaos Muppets. Order Muppets (think Bert, Kermit, Sam the Eagle) keep things organized and on track, while Chaos Muppets (Ernie, Cookie Monster, Gonzo) bring big bursts of energy and creativity. The world needs both in balance, of course – some of the oldest wisdom stories are about finding ways to resolve that eternal…
Congregation Potluck Lunch: February 26th, After Service!
As we explore the “recipe” for Making a Life this winter, let’s share some of our favorite recipes with each other at a Pot Luck lunch, after service on Sunday, February 26th! You can pitch in with cooking, setting up, or cleaning up (and, of course, eating). We’ll gather in the Dining Hall, and our YouthBridge Ministry will have board games available as an opportunity for intergenerational connection. This is an all-ages, family-friendly event! Come lend your skills and talents – or just bring your appetite…
All-Ages Connection Event This Sunday!
The YouthBridge Ministry is offering another opportunity for WellSpringers of ALL ages to come together for a fun activity after service on Sunday, January 29th! We hope you can join us for in-person service, then stay a bit, and enjoy this chance to connect with folks from ages 1 to 101. YouthBridge has put together an all-ages activity to explore some ideas for Making a Life, to tie in with our current message series. Each group will also have a mystery…
A Letter of Appreciation to Our Volunteer Leaders
We do not say it enough: thank you volunteer leaders for your work to nurture our spiritual well-being as you also manage the functions of WellSprings. The Leadership Development (LD) Ministry would like to express our deep appreciation to WellSprings volunteer leaders for their support during the year 2022. Every Sunday last year we saw and valued the remarkable work of our WellSprings staff – Carol Breslin our YouthSpirit Director, Jessica Heichel our Membership & Communications Coordinator, and Paula Bower our Office Coordinator. Their flexibility and resilience…
This Year, at WellSprings…
We’re kicking off a new congregational year! Read below to get a taste of our themes for worship – and for faith formation for all ages – in the year ahead: American Idols our Fall Message Series Many religious traditions include warnings against idolatry: the worship of something mortal, or inanimate, as though it were the most powerful thing in the universe – as if that thing was God, itself. What have we made idols of, today? Each week, we’ll…
A New Year of Family Faith Development: A Note From Miss Carol
Every fall at WellSprings, we look forward to the return of our families to Bell Hall, and the return of their 5-12 year old kiddos to YouthSpirit. It’s been an unpredictable couple of years, hasn’t it? But YouthSpirit is ready to “WellCome” back friends to our weekly programming on September 18th. Currently staffed by our two volunteer helpers, a youth helper, and an assistant, our team may be small, but our energy is big! For now, we’ll meet in one…
Donate School Supplies to Help Project Libertad
Throughout August, we are asking WellSpringers to help with the purchase of art boxes and supplies for Project Libertad. As you may remember, Rachel Rutter from Project Libertad was a guest speaker during our Neighbors & Helpers community outreach message series. Your support will help immigrant families by providing needed supplies for the new school year. Our goal is to fill up to 120 art boxes, so any contributions will be greatly appreciated! YouthSpirit will also be supporting Project Libertad…
Recap: Family Fun at Our Inter-Generational Game Night
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our first Inter-Generational game night this past Saturday evening. Our group started off by saying hello to many faces who we have not seen in some time. We played through a few rounds of Skribbl and applied our best artist skills to allow others to guess which word we were drawing. We also played through a round of a Wellsprings themed Kahoot. Members of the congregation can set up their own Kahoot account for free…
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