'YouthBridge Ministry' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

'YouthBridge Ministry' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Gifts for Chester County Futures’ Grads

Despite graduations postponed and senior years disrupted, our long time community partner, Chester County Futures (CCF), has continued to provide services to teens in our community. As part of this ongoing initiative, CCF planned to deliver a gift filled with goodies to each graduating senior, as they move on to their next endeavors. Our goal was twofold: 1. Provide every CCF senior (that’s 47 young adults) with a $20 gift card.2. Provide every CCF senior with a handmade graduation card.…

Ways to Work With WellSprings Youth

Serve to connect youth, families and the whole of WellSprings YouthBridge Core Ministry – join this new, tentatively-named core ministry to create new connections and opportunities for all WellSprings children, ages 0-17, their families, and our congregation, to grow together.  Expected to meet monthly or more. Foster Teen Connection Teen Group – our fledging teen group currently meets several times a year for social or service opportunities.  Past outings have included escape rooms, indoor obstacle courses, and game night.  We…

Building a Bridge Into the Future

Imagine this:You rush to get everyone dressed and out the door (knowing you’ll be 10 minutes late, again) but knowing it’s worth it… because today is the first Sunday your teen will be worship leader at WellSprings. A fourth grader hands you a bulletin at the door, when you arrive, his dad close behind – and glancing back at the Tech booth, you notice your teen’s old babysitter (home from college for the summer) is running the sound board today! Families mill…
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