Taking Turns
In today’s message, Rev. Lee discusses the value in being part of a community and recognizing that we go further together, rather than alone.
Ask Me Anything UU Version
Today’s message brings together Rev. Lee, former Ministerial Intern, Rev. Beth Monhollen, and current Ministerial Intern, Nick Sanchez, to offer different voices and perspectives on our Unitarian Universalist religion and traditions.
Living Through History
Today’s message focuses on how living through history can be so stressful and anxiety causing. Lay Preacher, Rodney Whittenberg, shares the personal history of his house while exploring how the world changes around us and how we can keep going forward.
Do Less
During today’s message, Rev. Lee begins our Fall message series “Breathing Together.” She shares how while we are a part of and connected to everything, we should still face our fear of stopping as it’s worthwhile.
WellCome Back Sunday
During this special service, Rev. Lee shares our upcoming message series “Breathing Together” and how we can live through history and big changes.
Jessica Keogh: Autism & Disability Advocate
During today’s message, Rev. Lee discusses disabilities and autism and the importance of advocating for their rights with guest, Jessica Keogh.
Rania Larsen & Jacqui Busch: Community Mental Health
Rev. Lee discusses the importance of community mental health with guests Rania Larsen & Jacqui Busch.
Lilia Weber: Eastern PA Trans Equity Project
In today’s message, Rev. Lee has a conversation with guest, Lilia Weber, Board Member with the Eastern PA Trans Equity Project on the important work being done with the trans community.
Teddi Stark, PA Department of Conservation
In today’s message, Ministerial Intern, Nick Sanchez, has a conversation with our guest, Teddi Stark, about the importance of conservation.
Peter Urscheler, Mayor of Phoenixville
In today’s introduction of our next message series, Neighbors & Helpers, Rev. Lee sits down to chat with local celebrity, Peter Urscheler, Mayor of Phoenixville about the importance of local government.
The Bear
Rev. Lee explores the show “The Bear” and the fact that our every day lives are bursting with meaning.
American Fiction
Lay Preacher, Rodney Whittenberg, discusses his take on the film “American Fiction”. He discusses that one of the hardest parts of our spiritual practice is being present and being all of yourself.