With leadership from our former Intern, Beth Monhollen, last year – and after re-gathering over the past few months, with Rev. Lee – our Caring Team at WellSprings is officially re-forming in 2024. We are a small group, so we are starting small, with two projects to help our community connect and care for each other, in the year ahead:
- If you’re with us in Bell Hall on Sunday mornings, you will start to see Caring Cards set out, on certain weekends, for everyone in our community to sign. We’ll be starting by sending birthday cards, as a sign of appreciation to our congregation’s elders – and may expand from there, over time.
- You may hear from a member of our Caring Team, as well. Caring Team members will be helping us keep in touch with folks who are farther-flung, in our community: those who live far away, or who attend primarily online.

For now, our Team is: Carole Hovis, Eli Musewicz, & Shannon Rieder. We’ll be working closely with Rev. Lee and our Ministerial Intern, Nick, as well. If you’re interested in taking a more active role with this shared ministry of caring, we’d love to have you join us!
Email Rev. Lee if you’d like to know more, or get involved!