Greetings WellSprings!
The Stewardship Ministry is wrapping up our annual pledge drive, and we would like to provide an update on the results. We are inspired by our congregation’s generosity and sincerely thank everyone who made a pledge commitment to WellSprings for the fiscal year July 2023 to June 2024.
Our stewardship goals were:
- to meet the budget goal of $265,500 for the fiscal year July 2023 to June 2024 by increasing our overall pledge income needs by $75,000 – or 40% overall
- to increase member participation in giving from 70% to 95% so that overall support will become more broadly based
We have now received $206,383 in pledge commitments, which is 78% of the way to the requested goal. We have given the total pledge amount to the Board of Trustees so that they can proceed putting together the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. While we fell short of the budget goal, we are encouraged that the total pledges exceeded the contributions for FY 2022 by approximately $17,000. Two thirds of our pledging households increased their pledge over FY 2022’s giving.
Regarding the second goal, 71 households responded with a pledge commitment. WellSprings is in the process of determining an accurate count of the current number of family households. The ongoing Engagement Survey will provide an up-to-date membership list after the analysis is complete. The chart below shows a breakout of the 71 pledge amounts for this pledge campaign. The pledges in the $2500 and higher range represent 35% of the pledgers and make up 80% of the total amount pledged.
A line in our WellSprings DNA says, “We will honestly evaluate where we are in the hope of courageously going where we are called to be.” While our stewardship goals were not reached, we are pleased to be making progress towards creating a culture of generosity in our beloved community! Giving is an important spiritual practice that needs to be exercised. We are so very grateful for the generosity of those who participated in the pledge drive. It is through your generosity we can continue to support and sustain WellSprings next year and into the future.
If you are still planning to make a pledge, it’s not too late. But please submit it as soon as possible. Pledges made now should be paid between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.
Ways to Pledge. You may submit your pledge either online, in person, or by mail.
- Online: login to Realm to make a pledge for the fiscal year 2023-2024 at
- In person: Complete a paper pledge form and return it to the Giving Box at Bell Hall.
- Mail: Send a completed paper pledge form to the WellSprings Office.
Please reach out to any Stewardship Ministry member if you have questions, or send an email to
As we continue this year together, we invite you to connect, to commit, and to engage in a manner that keeps WellSprings strong.
Your commitment is greatly appreciated!
Your Stewardship Ministry:
Majid Alsayegh, Mary Alsayegh, Kathy Burke-Howe, Bill Cabin, Julie Choi, Carol Klekotka, Josie Waldman