Dear members, friends, & visitors to WellSprings,
The day is here: my four-month sabbatical begins this Sunday, December 1st. As I said in my most recent message, I love you all, and I will miss you during this time away. A sabbatical is a wonderful privilege of serving in ministry, and I do not take this gift lightly. After all the challenges of the past few years, it means so much to me that you are offering me four entire months to renew my own spirit. Thank you. I intend to return to you more grounded and whole – prepared, rested, and ready for all that is to come in the years ahead.
As mentioned in our Sabbatical FAQ this summer, I’ve made some plans for my time away, and set some goals with our Board of Trustees. I will be taking a few out of town “mini-retreats” that will help me focus on study, reading, reflection, and rest. I also plan to lean into and strengthen my self-care habits, so I’ll have a well-established routine when I return in the Spring. I’ll be attending a few worship services led by other growing, mission-aligned faith communities in our area to see what I can learn from our neighbors. Finally, I’ll also be completing a formal training program related to faith-based community organizing, and joining a local music program – for fun, and further development of my own skills coordinating our music program here at WellSprings.
Now is a good time to share with you one final reminder as well, which is that to achieve the goals of a sabbatical – deep rest, and time away from the work of ministry – I really need to be out of touch with members of the congregation. Yes… that means even on Facebook, or Instagram DMs, or Messenger, or text messages. Yes, even if all you’ve sent me is a funny meme or a photo of your new tattoo… I won’t be responding. My identity as a pastor is absolutely at the heart of my relationships, with every single one of you. That’s just how this profession works. When I connect with members of my congregation, I’m always Rev. Lee, never just Lee. Every time I’m in touch with you, I have a responsibility to show up as your minister – and that’s a responsibility that’s very important to me. So I will be out of contact for the entirety of my four months away.
Now if we happen to pass each other on the street, you don’t have to pretend I’m a ghost! If you have a therapist, you’re familiar with the idea that when you run into them at Wawa, you don’t stop right then and there to have an impromptu session. But a smile and wave – or even a quick hug and a “I’ll see you in April!” – is more than welcome.
I recognize though that with the upcoming holidays, the emotions that often accompany the winter season, and everything that’s going on in the world around us – this is a time when we really do need each other’s support. So I encourage you, for a million reasons, please stay connected to our community. Keep coming to Sunday services. Along with our Intern and lay preachers, we have a wonderful schedule of guest ministers from local congregations coming to join us, over these next few months. Plus, this is a great time to make sure you’re joining us in worship so you can connect with each other, deepen your friendships, and get to know all the new faces who are filling our seats each week. These newcomers need you too, just as much as you all need each other.
If you feel the urge to reach out to me over these next four months, don’t just stifle and stuff it down: reach out to Nick. Our Ministerial Intern, Nick Sanchez, truly loves this congregation, and he would love – and will learn so much from – the opportunity to be a minister to each and every one of you in this time. Take a moment to save his info in your phone right now: (267) 634-3569 (call/text), (e-mail).
I’m so glad this community is here, and that we’ve been practicing for years what is most needed in these times… gathering together, growing in strength and compassion, singing our song, and caring for each other’s hearts, through it all. You all have what you need, WellSprings – and I’ll be back before you know it. <3
Take so much care – with yourselves, and with each other,

Rev. Lee