A (Sun)Day in the Life of YouthSpirit

A (Sun)Day in the Life of YouthSpirit

A Note from Board Member, Tonie Scullion…

Almost every Sunday during service, we hear the familiar words: “Now is the time for the children to join Ms. Carol for YouthSpirit.” As we watch those ages 5-12 head to the back of Bell Hall and then leave the building. Ever wonder what comes next?

I had the opportunity to sit in and observe what our younger WellSpringers do — the six attendees’ time together started by introducing themselves so everyone knew each other’s names. Next up was the lighting of an electric candle, the sharing of words, and a reminder of their covenant governing their interactions.

Then Carol and this week’s teen helper, Eric Soderland, invited the children to share how their past weeks looked. There were discussions of birthday parties, reading, family visits, and school starting. It reminded me of when our worship leader shares what is charging them.

Once this time of greeting was done, and much like with the adults, the kids could have happily continued sharing fellowship, it was time for my favorite thing, an art activity. But this wasn’t just any activity. In Bell Hall, we are enjoying the Neighbors and Helpers series, and it might surprise you that Carol’s lesson plans often follow the same themes as the adults, just using age-appropriate language and activities.

Today’s project centered around welcoming our newest ministerial intern to our spiritual community. Each child got to add a part, making them the helper in this situation.Again mirroring the time together in Bell Hall, when YouthSpirit ended for the morning, there were words of closing as the candle was turned off.

Beloved community is a phrase we say often, and I was privileged to be invited to witness the one our children are creating. If you are interested in acting as a mentor and encouraging our children to grow in this faith, contact Carol Breslin for more information.