A Message From Rev. Lee About The Events in Our Nation’s Capitol

A Message From Rev. Lee About The Events in Our Nation’s Capitol

As Unitarian Universalists we support democratic values – and today, a small group of people are attacking those values at our US Capitol building, with horrifying force.

Many of us are scared, shocked, sad, and angry about what we’re seeing. Together we can join, amidst our heartbreak, and remind each other that what happens next is always up to us. How we speak about what’s happening today, how we engage in conflict, how we defend human rights in our own country, and perhaps most crucially, how we protect, love, and care for one another – is always up to us.

May we be loud and unwavering in our witness to today’s events, and remember that while their tactics may be frightening, manipulation of the truth, intimidation by threat, and self-serving leadership will never be as strong as the Love that holds, calls to, and empowers us all.

Rev. Lee