Our Founding Minister, Rev. Ken Beldon, retired on June 30th, 2022, and that same month received an honorary designation as our first-ever Minister Emeritus. You can read more about what that means, here.
My first day at WellSprings was the first day of WellSprings. I was here before the congregation even had a name. You could say I’ve had a meaningful, fulfilling, enriching ministry here. But that wouldn’t quite be the truth. I’ve had meaningful, fulfilling, enriching ministries at WellSprings. Different seasons, different roles, all valuable. And that’s what I love about this place. Spiritual community can be a midwife birthing us into wholeness and well-being through the changes in our lives. WellSprings is a remarkable community of people growing into the people we yearn to be. Which also happens to be the kind of people the world needs: loving, compassionate, justice-seeking, authentic, and real. Truth is not static and unchanging in our spiritual tradition. Revelation doesn’t come from on high, sealed up neat and tidy. Awakening, wisdom, meaning–these all emerge out of relationship. I invite you to come see if the WellSprings community can help you move toward your values and into your own heart.

Whoever can see the loveliness of the world, and share its sorrow, and realize something of the wonder of both, is in immediate contact with divine things, and has got as near to God’s secret as anyone can get.”
Oscar Wilde