More About SD

More About SD

Through loving inquiry of and deep listening to individuals, teams and ministries, and the congregation as a whole, the Spiritual Development Ministry seeks to honestly evaluate where we are, discern where we are called to be, and collaboratively establish the ways of being in community that will allow us to fully live into our mission, vision, values and beliefs.

Our areas of inquiry include:

  • How well do our vision, mission, values and beliefs continue to serve us?
  • How can we build and sustain shared accountability, transparency, and right relationship among our ministers, lay leaders, congregants and paid staff?
  • What should we celebrate?
  • What should we release and mourn?
  • How is WellSprings called to new life?
  • Where is WellSprings not fully flourishing?
  • How do we listen to the still, small voices among us?
  • Where are our edges?