WellSprings Youth and Teens are Important Members of Our Community

WellSprings Youth and Teens are Important Members of Our Community

Where there are WellSprings families, there are WellSprings kids, and regardless of age, each member of those families has their own spiritual needs. It’s our job to meet those needs every step of the way. Younger WellSpringers may be any number of places on Sunday mornings. Perhaps they’re right here in our nursery or our YouthSpirit program, maybe they’re at dance or baseball practice, possibly they’re with another parent, or they might even be at home under the weather. We don’t forget about these members simply because they’re not physically present in Bell Hall with us. They remain important and vibrant members of our spiritual community, wherever they are.

At WellSprings, we continue to seek pathways for inter-generational connection among all our members. The next generation of Unitarian Universalists will be the ones who continue to light the chalice for our congregation and others. They are tomorrow’s volunteers, worship leaders, and musicians. They are tomorrow’s congregants. They are tomorrow’s leaders, scientists, educators, and stewards of our Earth.  

Nurturing their spiritual growth and sense of community lets our children know that they are loved. No matter where they end up as adults, it’s how we pay attention to our WellSprings kids now that will influence how and where they live out their future spiritual lives. Nurturing our kids is not just a job – there is a joy in fostering the next version of ourselves – this growing WellSprings Congregation. There is opportunity for individual spiritual growth for any member of our beloved community, whether we work with WellSprings kids, or work for them.  

Consider the following truths as to what our WellSprings youth bring to – and need from – all of us:  

  • Kids bring joy.
  • Kids remind us to have fun in our own lives. When we slow down and remember to play a bit, that itself can be a powerful spiritual practice.
  • Kids remind us to try to see the world sometimes with a “child’s mind” – flexible and free from our adult baggage.
  • Kids surprise us with their insight.
  • The youth of today are the adults of tomorrow.
  • Teens and youth may be struggling and need a community they can trust. We have an amazing opportunity to be that community for someone.
  • Kids like to “do good.” What a powerful reminder this can be for all of us.
  • And finally… kids like bubbles.