Yes, Leadership is for You!

Yes, Leadership is for You!

We truly are a welcoming community and your gifts are appreciated in every way imaginable! What is also true is your gifts of leadership are returned to you tenfold. Many leaders describe their experience here as life changing.

One significant reason is that our practices at WellSprings include welcoming imperfect leaders! Leaders Community members promise to support each other while walking the path of spiritual growth together, and to treat our moments of frustration, failure, and fear as learning experiences.

We recognize that we are a relatively new and vibrant congregation and we rise to the occasion of adapting new ways of organizing our teams and Ministries. Creating support systems for our growing organization is one of the primary functions of Leadership Development Ministry (LD).

 Our LD members serve the community in the following key ways:

  • Encourage service through leadership in the congregation, including sharing information about pathways into leadership at WellSprings.
  • Help Teams identify and select leaders, support leaders who are stepping down from their roles, and facilitate the leadership transition process.
  • Respond to leaders’ requests for support or coaching when leaders are experiencing challenges in areas of leadership and Team development, and offer feedback as needed to leaders in their Community.
  • Support leaders’ ongoing development by designing, managing, or assisting with events that contribute to their learning and growth.
  • Help leaders connect to the wider congregation by providing guidance regarding WellSprings’ processes and procedures, connections to the ministers or other members of the congregation, and outside resources when relevant.
  • Provide Leader Orientation for new leaders and Exit Interviews for those stepping back.
  • Senior Leaders are supported with a comprehensive toolkit, Leader Covenant, luncheon and dinner opportunities for gathering, online avenues on Realm for communication and sharing, and our quarterly Leader Retreats. Someone is always here to offer you individual care when you need it.

Are you interested in joining our leader community? If so, here are 3 simple steps to engage right now:

  • Check out our brand new website and the Teams and Ministries pages and see what attracts you. Feel free to contact the point person listed for each team to learn more.
  • Join a team! One of the most beneficial ways to lead is to step forward from inside a group you are already part of.
  • Register for the next Learning About Leadership Event planned for April. Hosted by LD, we offer a discernment process for anyone interested in uncovering your skills, recognizing your “no” zones, and matching up what works. We are there to answer questions and help you follow through.

This Spring is our inaugural Leader Recruitment Season so keep your eyes out for more opportunities to connect with the community through leadership. We are so grateful to share and grow!

To learn more about the path towards joining our Leaders Community, take a look at our Leadership Requirements. You can also contact Gael Alba, Terry Rothermel, and Mary Alsayegh directly.