Posts from 2019

Posts from 2019

WellSprings at Good Neighbor Day

Thank You For Your Generosity in 2019

The Generosity & Gratitude Ministry team wants to take this time to say a profound thank you to everyone. Your generosity has made a lot possible this year, including: New staff positions — Helen, our YouthSpirit Assistant, and Jessica, our Membership & Communications Coordinator. Minister Rev. Lee moving to full-time. More involvement in our local community through many HeartWorks drives, participation at Downingtown Good Neighbor Day, and through Interfaith Action Community, to name just a few ways. More programming for our teens this…

WellSprings and Local Police Team Up to Help a Family in Need

Part of WellSprings mission is to spread generosity and love – even if it means crossing state and county lines! This was illustrated beautifully when our Heartworks Team received word from the Coatesville Police Department that there was a local family in need of some emergency assistance for the holidays. One of the items most urgently needed was a working refrigerator, and two of our congregants who live in Delaware came through with flying colors. So many thanks are in…

Join Us On Christmas Eve!

This year, join us on Christmas Eve for a message about the astonishing outsiders who enter our world, turn it upside down, and transform it into something more holy, loving, and true. Both our all-ages services at 4:30 & 6:00 PM will be inspired by the instant-classic movie, “Elf!” (Please note that there will be no nursery services during these gatherings.) Because our Christmas Eve services are such a special event, we also hope you’ll sign up to bring cookies or snacks,…

What’s the Small Groups Team All About?

At WellSprings, when we say “Small Group,” what we mean is a place where we gather together to deepen our spiritual connections and our connections with other WellSpringers. We believe that our Small Group offerings are one of the many special things that set us apart from other congregations, and make us uniquely “Us.” Anyone who’s participated in one of our Springboards, SoulBites, retreats, Apple Tree gatherings, or any other Small Group offering knows that it’s about a lot more…

HeartWorks Winter Coat Collection

Our community partner, Chester County Futures, has asked us to help them meet a special need this winter: among the high school students enrolled in their programs locally are 77 teens who need a cold-weather coat. The size breakdown of needed coats is as follows: Small 17 – Medium 33 – Large 20 – X-Large 6.  In order to meet this unusual but very important goal for CCF, if you can place a collection box at your place of employment, we’d be grateful for that as well! Whether for…

Update from Your Board of Trustees

Sunday Morning Attendance UpdateWe’ve received some questions over the past several months about shifts in our Sunday morning attendance, and we want to provide some background and context for everyone in our community about this topic. If you’ve been around for a few years, you may recall a time that we regularly welcomed over 200 people on Sunday mornings. In 2016, our Sunday attendance exceeded 200 almost half the time. There is some curiosity about whether two Sunday services are…

Our Caring Book Returns

It can be powerful to name what’s on our hearts, when we come together on Sundays. Even if we want nothing except for a space to share (or a space outside of our own heads) – the simple act of lighting a candle or putting pen to paper can help us honor both the joys and the sorrows we carry. This Sunday, we’ll renew the practice of creating space in Bell Hall for our candles and Caring Book. Feel free to light a candle, or…

Ways to Work With WellSprings Youth

Serve to connect youth, families and the whole of WellSprings YouthBridge Core Ministry – join this new, tentatively-named core ministry to create new connections and opportunities for all WellSprings children, ages 0-17, their families, and our congregation, to grow together.  Expected to meet monthly or more. Foster Teen Connection Teen Group – our fledging teen group currently meets several times a year for social or service opportunities.  Past outings have included escape rooms, indoor obstacle courses, and game night.  We…

“Entertaining Angels” Message Series Guide

Attached is the resource sheet for the upcoming message series, Entertaining Angels.  Printed copies will be available at services beginning this Sunday.  If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Spiritual Development Ministry:Majid Alsayegh, Sally Reeves, and Deb Soderland

What is the Belonging Team?

WellSprings is so much more than Sunday services. We’re a thriving community making connections and deepening our spiritual practices in many different ways. However, we understand that feeling at home in any group takes time, and that’s exactly what the Belonging Team is here to help facilitate. At WellSprings, we want you to experience a sense of belonging. Whether you’re the kind of person who comes every Sunday, jumps right into Springboard discussions, volunteers for various teams; or if your life and responsibilities…

Building a Bridge Into the Future

Imagine this:You rush to get everyone dressed and out the door (knowing you’ll be 10 minutes late, again) but knowing it’s worth it… because today is the first Sunday your teen will be worship leader at WellSprings. A fourth grader hands you a bulletin at the door, when you arrive, his dad close behind – and glancing back at the Tech booth, you notice your teen’s old babysitter (home from college for the summer) is running the sound board today! Families mill…

New Message Series Guides…

The Spiritual Development Ministry is excited to begin a new practice of providing the congregation with a thought-provoking collection of resources to accompany each new message series. These will include: a challenge, a spiritual practice, a discussion question, a journal/reflection prompt, links to some of the materials Rev. Ken & Rev. Lee will be using as they write their messages, and other resources for reflection. It is our hope that these materials will be used by individuals, families, small groups,…
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